Thursday, October 27, 2011

Big Ten

 This weekend we'll be going out for our Big Ten run, that's 10 miles of satisfying work.  We'll meet at the school by 7am, should be at the flagpoles and ready to run by 7:15am.  As in the past we will head South first down the Alley, hang a right turn at Washington, and double back heading North.

To make the full 10, my calculations, using the nifty site would take us all the way to the Totem pole, and then we'll take a right and head up one of the nicest streets in the area, Adelaide, and then if we get up to about 7th street and then back down on San Vicente, by the time we get back to the flagpoles, we should be good for 10 miles.

Up on the hills of Adelaide Street
 I like the 10 miler, it's a good number, a bit tough with the hills, but yet very satisfying at the finish, Hakuna Matata.....that's our motto.....what's a motto....I don't know...whatsamatta with you.... would get it if you had kids too.

Anyway, if you haven't gotten your water belt together, at least remember to bring some kind of supplement for the run....a energy bar, some gels like GU....and who knows if it'll be warm or not, but be prepared.


These past few days, I've been feeling a bit run down, a bit of stress, and interesting enough, a touch of anger thrown in.  Not sure what I was angry about, it wasn't about another person, but I felt something brewing underneath, maybe it was just a mentally tough week, and this was the by product.  So a good brisk morning run was the antidote.  I pushed it a bit...trying to sweat these stress toxins out of the system, and it pretty much worked.  So now I'm just tired and sluggish....but at least I'm not mad anymore.  

So if you got to chill you mind down, ease up on the road rage, back down from the edge, go take a run, and get yourself sorted's a lot better than going for that Fatburger.

see you early,


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