Friday, December 9, 2011

Way Too Cold

This week, the mornings have been way too cold.  I did get out, but boy was that a chilly morning. It took me 20 mins. of running to warm up, and that was with a windbreaker on.  Hope you folks are doing okay too. I have to admit, I wasn't able to get a second run in...just couldn't do it.  I know that's a bad example for the group....but I have to be was just too darn cold.  Plus my week has been a bit busier, wrapping up my classes, and spending a few more hours with the students as final projects are coming due.

So this weekend, remember we're meeting a half hour earlier...try to get to the school around your bathroom thing, and meet at the flag poles by 6:45am.  We'll do some warmup stretches and then start running by 7am.  If it's going to be as cold as I think, then we're not going to wait around for any late comers.  We will start off heading NORTH right away.  We'll be going all the way up San Vicente and 26th...then continue onward to Bundy, and then do a new loop, making a right and going around some golf course before heading back down.  This is something new for all of us. We'll be going for a 15 mile run.

Now if you've been behind a bit, that's okay...come out and join us for a partial run, and see how far you can go, and then take it easy heading back.  I would say try and keep up with us for the first 4 miles or so and then take your time heading back...that would still count as an 8 mile loop.


A week or so ago, my youngest daughter, Anna, injured her knee again while practicing for basketball.  She's 16, and has played basketball since she's been 7, and in the last few years, this knee has been a problem.  I believe this is the third time she's dislocated it.  It's nothing real just pops out, and resets itself...but painful and this means she's out again from playing.   As a sophomore, she had made the Varsity, and the season was just about to start.  She did play during the preseason, and did very well, but this will set her back.....again.

But because of all the physical therapy from the last time....the recovery seems a bit faster this it's still too early to tell, but hopefully it won't be too prolonged. I told the coach that if she wanted to replace Anna...that would be okay...because it's too hard to know if she'll recover in time to play this season.  The entire team was also scheduled to play a special tournament in San Diego during the Christmas break, and it's a great chance for the girls to bond since they all spend a few nights together in a hotel.  I also wasn't sure if Anna would go, since she wouldn't be playing that soon. But the coach said...of course she wanted Anna to go...she's part of the team, and she's not interested in replacing her.

I really appreciated this sentiment, and I told Anna...who is obviously frustrated by her condition, and a bit low in enthusiasm...but I told's not all about her, it's about the team, and this sense of spirit and bonding is important...the team has to stick together...regardless of her  condition. I'm not sure if Anna will get all this, and there is no telling when she'll be back to full form...but I hope things will all work out.

I know that a few of our runners are also struggling to get back into full form for our group too, and some may be able to get there, and there may be some who won't... but know that just by trying, there is always the chance, if not this time, perhaps some other time.  I guess that's the lesson I'd like my daughter to that she has to keep trying, and get stronger.  Basketball may not be the best sport for her...due to her knee issue....maybe she can try the swim team, a sport with less physical stress....but I feel it's important at here age to be involved with a team sport.

Running may not seem like a team sport..since the marathon is such an individual effort...but the group runs which we do seem to transcend that...and in that way...we bond with each other. This may be a bit of a stretch..but I learned something from the basketball coach this week, and I hope that I can someway get that sense of group across to my daughter, and to our RW5.  It's something worth striving for...

See you there early,


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