Thursday, November 17, 2011

Half Way There

This Sat. we'll be going for our 13 fact, we'll try to hit at least 13.1 miles, because that would be exactly a Half Marathon.  Yes, we have already gotten there.  This is a great accomplishment, and you don't want to miss it.  Even if you've been a bit behind, come on out and even if you did a partial run, you can still be part of our main group that went for the Half.

What makes this a good challenge and one to savor is that it'll be done on the North course, so we got some hills to climb, but that's how we like it.  So please be on time, if not early, because we'll first start off by heading South through the alley to Washington, just to get warmed up, then head North all the way to the Totem Pole, take a right up Adelaide, right on 7th, and then a left onto San Vicente.  We head all the way up to 26th Street before turning back down. 

Just so you know, we'll be doing this a few more times, and the good thing is that, when we come back down on San Vicente from 26th street, this is in actuality the last 2 some miles of the LA Marathon this is our home court advantage.  Learn to love it, because it'll be our home stretch in more ways than not.

So remember, join us even if you're a bit behind, and do the best you can, it'll be a great workout either way.  Don't be late, because I'm going to push for us to start a bit earlier at the flagpoles, I don't want to be the last group out.  If you miss us, we'll be heading down the alley towards Washington.



This last weekend, after I had a tough time getting through our 12 miler, my whole family got up early on Sunday, and we did a fun run at Universal Studios and did a 5K as part of their benefit run for a cancer charity.  It was pretty fun, even though there are some wicked hills back there, we got to go through the entire back lot including Amnityville, the phony Mexican town (thank goodness they didn't turn on the water) , past Spartacas square, Euro town, western town, past the Bates Hotel, Wisteria Lane..home of the Desperate Housewives, and a whole bunch more.  Check out my blog to see pictures.

Scary scene at the Bates Motel...he came after us.

Mother's House

Then I had my second big interview with Santa Monica college.  This was a good tough interview with the top administrators, of which there were 5 people.  I was one of three finalist, so I feel good that I made it that far, but in all honesty, I felt pretty bad after the interview.  I felt I did the best I could, and if left up to at least 3 of the 5 folks, I think I might actually have a shot, but the last guy, the President of the College did not seem so impressed.
One can never know, one can never second guess these situations, so I'm just going to secretly wish for it to come true, but I'm trying to keep a pragmatic view that there are always reasons why things don't go the way we want, which we can't have any control over.

I imagine, I won't hear any word for at least two weeks, but I'll be sure to let you folks know as soon as I do.  In any case, it was a great experience going through the process, and confirms my desire to seek other teaching positions if this does not net out.

A family that runs together.....get very sore.
I'm into this for the long matter how many obstacles come my you know why running marathons can be so much fun....

see you guys early,


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